Iberia Parish Water Control Structures
Iberia Parish, Louisiana
Iberia Parish
Project Overview
Businesses, residences, and roadways in Iberia Parish frequently experience rainfall-induced flooding. These floods are exacerbated in part by high tide events, which swell drainage canals intended to transmit rainfall runoff away from populated areas. Peebles Coulee, Rodere Canal, and Jefferson Canal were three main canals within Iberia Parish experiencing these problems. Royal was tasked with designing water control structures near the downstream terminations of these canals to combat high tide events, and by doing so, re-introducing rainfall runoff storage capacity within the canals.
Project Work and Royal Solutions
Royal led site assessments via in-field data collection; hydrologic and hydraulic modeling of the entire basin and individual drainage sub-basins; and preparation of designs of each water control structure, bearing in mind owner and stakeholder considerations such as cost and project duration. This project was the first of its kind in the area and included concerns by potentially affected landowners that the displaced water would negatively affect their property. Royal went above and beyond using our relationships and capabilities to coordinate the development of a MIKE21 model analysis to demonstrate that there would be no downstream impact to nearby landowners. This powerful model provided accurate information in a timely manner that kept the project on track and eased the minds of those concerned about the downstream effects.
Royal designed box culverts and structural foundation elements and handled all construction permitting coordination. In addition, Royal also used our funding knowledge and experience to play an instrumental role in facilitating the development of an Intergovernmental Agreement through which Iberia Parish was able to leverage its construction funding multiple times over. Royal is currently providing construction management and construction oversight services.